Environmental information is that which is focused on the process and the interaction with the environment (i.e. air, water and soil).
Integrated Emission Control in the Wood Panel Industry
Prior to 2011, European legislation to control industrial emissions was covered by a number of separate Directives. The principle activities of the wood panel manufacturers were addressed under the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive. To facilitate sector regulation, the UK government introduced a 'Sector Guidance Note: IPPC SG1 Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control'. The Guidance Note is statutory guidance under Regulation 37 of the Pollution Prevention Control (England and Wales) Regulations, SI 1973 specifically for the Particleboard, OSB and Dry process fibreboard sectors.
Following extensive review, the European Commission proposed a new Directive 'Industrial Emissions Directive
(IED) to bring together seven separate Directives (including the IPPC Directive) addressing aspects of
industrial emission. The IED (2010/75/EU) was formerly adopted on 6 January 2011. Wood based
panels are identified in Section 6.1(c) in Annex 1 of the IED. The IED describes the establishment of
Europe wide 'Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference Documents' (abbrieviated to BREF) to facilitate sector
regulation. The process for developing the wood panel industry BREF is underway and is likely to be
published in 2016. When published the BREF will supersede the SG1 Guidance.