The section refers to either WPIF industry standards, British, European, international standards and other best practice guidance.
The standard types have been categorised into different families for ease of reference.
Note: These lists are not exhaustive and whilst every effort is made to keep them up-to-date the lists may lag behind actual published dates.
Industry Standards and Codes of Practice
Floating Floors
Code of Practice for Particleboard and OSB Floating Floors
Suspended Timber Ground Floors
Harmonised Standards and Design Codes
Below is a list of harmonised standards and design codes that may be most relevant to wood and wood based products. The list is not an exhaustive list.Harmonised staandards are standards which are essentially reference standards for the CE marking of various products.
- BS EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. General actions. Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.
- NA to BS EN 1991-1-1:2002 UK National Annex to Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. General
actions. densities, self weight, imposed loads for buildings (national annex)
- NA to BS EN 1995-1-1:2004+A2:2014 - UK National Annex to Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures. General. Common rules and rules for buildings.
- BS EN 1995-1-1:2004+A2:2014 - Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures. General. Common rules and rules for buildings.
- BS EN 1995-1-2:2004 - Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures. General. Structural fire design.
- NA to BS EN 1995-1-2:2004 - UK National Anex to Eurocode 5. Design of timber
strucures. Structural fire design.
- BS EN 13986:2004+A1:2015 - Wood-based panels for use in construction.
Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking.
- BS EN 14041:2018 - Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings. Essential
characteristics - [NOTE:this standard is not listed in the European Commissions Official Journal
nor is it a UK designated standard and therefore cannot be used for CE marking or UK CA marking - for
this purpose the withdrawn 2004 version should be used]
Test Method Standards
Below are standards that are commonly used in testing of wood based panels and products containing wood based panels. The list is not an exhaustive list.
- BS EN 113-3:2023- Durability of wood and wood-based products. Test method against wood destroying basidiomycetes. Assessment of durability of woodbased panels
- BS EN 310:1993 - Wood-based panels. Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength.
- BS EN 311:2002 - Wood-based panels. Surface soundness. Test method.
- BS EN 314-1:2004 - Plywood. Bonding quality. Test methods.
- BS EN 314-2:1993 - Plywood. Bonding quality. Requirements.
- BS EN 315:2000 Plywood Tolerances for dimensions.
- BS EN 317:1993 - Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water.
- BS EN 318:2002 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensional changes associated with changes in relative humidity.
- BS EN 319:1993 - Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board.
- BS EN 320:2011 - Particleboards and fibreboards. Determination of resistance to axial withdrawal of screws.
- BS EN 321:2002 - Wood-based panels. Determination of moisture resistance under cyclic test conditions.
BS EN 322:1993 - Wood-based panels. Determination of moisture content.
- BS EN 323:1993 - Wood-based panels. Determination of density.
- BS EN 324-1:1993 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards. Determination of thickness, width, length.
- BS EN 324-2:1993 Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of boards. Determination of squareness and edge straightness.
- BS EN 325:2012 - Wood-based panels. Determination of dimensions of test pieces.
- BS EN 326-1:1994 - Wood-based panels. Sampling, cutting and inspection. Sampling and cutting of test pieces and expression of test results.
- BS EN 326-2:2010+A1:2014 - Wood-based panels. Sampling, cutting and inspection. Initial type testing and factory producton control.
BS EN 326-3:2003 - Wood-based panels. Sampling, cutting and inspection. Inspection of an
isolated lot of panels.
- BS EN 335:2013 - Durability of wood and wood-based products. Use classes: definitions, application to solid wood and wood-based products.
- BS EN ISO 354:2003 - Acoustics. Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room.
- BS EN 382-1:1993 - Fibreboards. Determination of surface absorption. Test method for dry process fibreboards.
- BS EN 382-2:1994 - Fibreboards. Determination of surface absorption. Test method for hardboards.
- BS EN 383:2007 -Timber structures. Test methods. Determination of embedment strength and foundation values for dowel type fasteners
- BS EN 594:2011 - Timber structures. Test methods. Racking strength and stiffness of timber frame wall panels.
- BS EN 596:1995 - Timber structures. Test methods. Soft body impact test of timber framed walls.
- BS EN 635-1:1995 - Plywood. Classification by surface appearance. General.
- BS EN 635-2:1995 - Plywood. Classification by surface appearance. Hardwood.
- BS EN 635-3:1995 - Plywood. Classification by surface appearance. Softwood.
CEN/TS 635-4:2007 - Plywood. Classification by surface appearance. Parameters of ability
for finishing. Guideline.
- BS EN 635-5:1999 - Plywood. Methods for measuring and expressing characteristics and defects.
BS EN ISO 717-1:2020 - Acoustics. Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building
elements. Airborne sound insulation.
- BS EN 717-1:2004 - Wood-based panels. Determination of formaldehyde release. Formaldehyde emission by the chamber method.
BS EN ISO 717-2:2020 - Acoustic rating of sound insulation in buildings and building
elements. Impact sound insulation.
- BS EN 717-3:1996 - Wood-based panels. Determination of formaldehyde release. Formaldehyde release by the flask method.
- BS EN 789:2004 - Timber structures. Test methods. Determination of mechanical properties of wood based panels.
- BS EN 1058:2009 - Wood-based panels. Determination of characteristic 5 percentile values and characteristics mean values.
- BS EN 1087-1:1995 - Particle boards. Determination of moisture resistance. Particle boards. Determination of moisture resistance. Boil test.
BS 1088:2018 - Marine plywood. Requirements.
- BS EN 1128:1996 - Cement-bonded particleboards. Determination of hard body impact resistance.
- BS EN 1156:2013 - Wood-based panels. Determination of duration of load and creep factors.
BS EN 1195:1998 - Timber structures. Test methods. Performance of structural floor decking.
- BS EN 1328:1997 - Cement-bonded particleboards. Determination of frost resistance.
- BS 1982-0:1990 - Fungal resistance of panel products made of, or containing materials of organic origin. Guide to methods for determination.
- BS 1982-1:1990 - Fungal resistance of panel products made of, or containing materials of organic origin. Method for determinatio of resistance to wood-rotting Basidiomycetes.
- BS 1982-2:1990 - Fungal resistance of panel proudcts made of, or containing materials of organic origin. Method for determination of resistance to cellulose-deomposing microfungi.
- BS 1982-3:1990 - Fungal resistance of panel proudcts made of, or containing materials of organic origin. Method for determination of resistance to mould or mildew.
- BS 4965:1999 - Decorative laminated plastics sheet veneered boards and panels.
BS 5234-1:1992 - Partitions (including matching linings) - Code of practice for design and
- BS 5234-2:1992 - Partitions (including matching linings) - Specification for performance requirements for strength and robustness including methods of test.
BS EN ISO 10140-2:2021 - Acoustics. Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building
elements - Measurement of airborne sound insulation.
- BS EN ISO 10140-3:2021 - Acoustics. Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements. measurement of impact sound insulation.
BS EN ISO 10140-4:2021 - Acoustics. Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building
elements - Measurement procedures and requirements.
BS EN ISO 10140-5:2021 - Acoustics. Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building
elements - Requirements for test facilities.
DD ENV 12038:2002 - Durability of wood and wood-based products. Wood-based panels.
Method of test for determining the resistance against wood destroying Basidiomycetes.{superseded by EN 113-3
but old tests still valid}
BS EN 12114:2000 - Thermal performance of buildings. Air permeability of building
components and building elements. Laboratory test methods
- ISO 12460-1:2007 - Wood-based panels. Determination of formaldehyde release. Formaldehyde emission by the 1-cubic metre chamber method.
BS EN ISO 12460-3:2020 - Wood-based panels. Determination of formaldehyde release. Gas
analysis method.
- BS EN ISO 12460-4:2016 - Wood-based panels. Determination of formaldehyde release. Desiccator method.
- BS EN ISO 12460-5:2015 - Wood-based panels. Determination of formaldehyde release. Extraction method (called the perforator method).
BS EN ISO 12571:2021 - Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products -
determination of hygroscopic sorption properties.
BS EN ISO 12572:2016 - Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products.
Determination of water vapour transmission properties. Cup method.
- BS EN 12664:2001 - Thermal performance of building materials and products. Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods. Dry and moist products of medium and low thermal resistance.
- BS EN 13017-1:2001 - Solid wood panels. Classification by surface appearance. Softwood.
- BS EN 13017-2:2001 - Solid wood panels. Classification by surface appearance. Hardwood.
- BS EN 13354:2008 - Solid wood panels (SWP). Bonding quality. Test method.
- BS EN 13446:2002 - Wood-based panels. Determination of withdrawal capacity of fasteners.
- BS EN 13879:2002 - Wood-based panels. Determination of edgewise bending properties.
- BS EN ISO 13894-2:2015 - High pressure decorative laminates. Composite elements. Specificaitons for composite elements with wood-based substrates for interior use.
BS EN ISO 13894-1:2015 - High pressure decoartive laminates. composite elements - Test
BS EN 14272:2011 - Plywood. Calculation method for some mechanical properties.
- BS EN 14323:2021- Wood-based panels. Melamine faced boards for interior uses. Test methods.
- PD CEN/TR 14823:2003 - Durability of wood and wood-based products. Quantitative determination of pentachlorophenol in wood. Gas chromatographic method.
- DD CEN/TS 14966:2005 - Wood based panels. Small scale indicative test methods for certain mechanical properties.
PD CEN/TR 16045:2010 - Construction Products. Assessment of release of dangerous
substances. Content of regulated dangerous substances. Selection of analytical methods.
- PD CEN/TR 16220:2011 - Construction products - Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Complement to sampling.
BS EN 16755:2017 - Durability of reaction to fire performance - Classes of fire-retardant
treated wood products in interior and exterior end us applications.
- ISO 22452:2011 - Timber structures. Structural insulated panel walls. Test methods.
- BS ISO 23327:2021 - Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products. Determination of moisture adsorption/desorption properties in response to periodic temperature variations.
Product Specifications and Definitions
Below are product specification and definition standards for wood and wood based panel products. The
list is not an exhaustive list.
- BS EN 300:2006 - Oriented strand boards (OSB). Definitions, classification and specifications
- BS EN 309:2005 - Particleboards. Definition and classification
- BS EN 312:2010 - Particleboards. Specifications
BS EN 313-1:1996 - Plywood. Classification and terminology. Classification
- BS EN 313-2:2000 - Plywood. Classification and terminology. Terminology
- BS EN 316:2009 - Wood fibre boards. Definition, classification and symbols
- BS EN 335:2013 - Durabiltity of wood and wood-based products. Use classes: definition, application to solid wood and wood based products
- BS EN 622-1:2003 -Fibreboards. Specifications. General requirements
- BS EN 622-2:2004 - Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for hardboards
- BS EN 622-3:2004 - Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for medium boards
- BS EN 622-4:2019 - Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for softboards
- BS EN 622-5:2009 - Fibreboards. Specifications. Requirements for dry process boards (MDF)
- BS EN 633:1994 - Cement-bonded particleboards. Definition and classification
- BS EN 634-1:1995 - Cement-bonded particle boards. Specification. General requirements
- BS EN 634-2:2007 - Cement-bonded particleboards. Specifications. Requirements for OPC bonded particleboards for use in dry, humid and exterior conditions
BS EN 636:2012+A1:2015 - Plywood. Specifications
- BS 1088:2018 - Marine plywood. Requirements
- BS EN 12775:2001 - Solid wood panels. Classification and terminology
- BS EN 12871:2013 - Wood-based panels. Determination of performance characteristics for load bearing panels for use in floors, roofs and walls
- BS EN 13329:2016+A2:2021 - Laminate floor coverings. Elements with a surface layer based on aminoplastic thermosetting resins. Specifications, requirements and test methods
- BS EN 13353:2022- Solid wood panels (SWP). Requirements.
- BS EN 13810-1:2002 - Wood-based panels. Floating floors. Performance specifications and requirements
- BS EN 14279:2004+A1:2009 - Laminated veneer lumber (LVL). Definitions, classification and specifications
- BS EN 14322:2021 - Wood-based panels. Melamine faced boards for interior uses. Definition, requirements and classification
- BS EN 14354:2017 - Wood-based panels. Wood veneer floor coverings
- BS EN 14374:2004 - Timber structures. Structural laminated veneer lumber. Requirements
- BS ISO 14486:2012 - Laminate floor coverings - Specifications
BS EN 14755:2005 - Extruded particleboards. Specification
- BS EN 15197:2007 - Wood-based panels. Flaxboards. Specifications
- PD CEN TS 16368:2014 - Lightweight particleboards. Specifications
Guidance and Informative Standards
Below are guidance and informative standards, such as codes of practice or tabulated values, relating directly or indirectly to wood based panels and their end uses. The list is not an exhaustive list.
- BS EN 335:2013 - Durability of wood and wood-based products. Use classes: definitions, application to solid wood and wood based products
DD CEN/TS 635-4:2007 Plywood. Classification by surface appearance. Parameters of ability
for finishing, guideline
- DD CEN/TS 1099:2007 - Plywood. Biological durability. Guidance for the assessment of plywood for use in different use classes
- BS 4163:2021 - Health and safety for design and technology in schools and similar establishments. Code of practice
BS 5250:2021 - Management of moisture in buildings. Code of practice
- BS 5534:2014+A2:2018 - Slating and tiling for pitched roofs and vertical cladding. Code of practice
- BS 8103-3:2009 - Structural design of low-rise buildings. Code of practice for timber floors and roofs for housing
- BS 8201:2011 - Code of practice for installation of flooring of wood and wood based panel products
- BS 8203:2017 - Code of practice for installation of resilient floor coverings
BS 8425:2003 - Code of practice for installation of laminate floor coverings [NOTE: to be
- BS EN 12369-1:2001 - Wood-based panels. Characteristic values for structural design. OSB, particleboards and fireboards
- BS EN 12369-2:2011 - Wood-based panels. Characteristic values for structural design. Plywood
BS EN 12369-3:2022 - Wood-based panels. Characteristic values for structural design.
Solid-wood panels
- BS EN 12524:2000 - Building materials and products. Hygrothermal properties. Tabulated design values
- PD CEN/TR 12872:2014 - Wood-based panels. Guidance on the use of load-bearing boards in floors, walls and roofs
- BS EN 13501-1:2018 - Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests